
This website contains information about complementary medicine and cancer, and links to various resources,
such as documents, weblinks, decision aids, and education courses about complementary medicine and cancer.

This website is not intended to replace the advice of a qualified health care provider.

Possible risks, interactions, and side effects associated with CAM are explained in more detail in the CAMEO patient
and health care provider education programs, but that information must always be considered in light of each
person’s particular situation. It is therefore important to talk to your oncologist, oncology nurse(s), family physician,
and other 
primary health care providers about your CAM use to check if:

  • there are any know benefits or risks associated with your CAM therapies of interest
  • there may be interactions—potential or real—between your CAM therapies of interest and the cancer treatment
    or medications your are receiving, or with another health condition you have as well as any medications you take for it.
    CAM therapies may also interact with each other.